Friends are not created equally. We have some that are the best in the WORLD and you can count on them for anything and everything when you need. We also have some that we might talk to one to three times a year- maybe even once every three years. They're still good friends just distant ones. We even have some that... are friends when it's convenient for them. Now, that wouldn't be described as a true friend but they're in our lives nonetheless. the Bible tells us that if we are to stay sharp and vigilant as Christians, then we need to be sharpened. When you sharpen a pencil, you need a blade that will cut through the wood to expose the best part of the pencil to be used. You wouldn't sharpen it will a piece of chewing gum- you'd have even more of a mess. The same is true in our lives- if you need discerning wisdom then you need to be sharpened by someone that can cut through the excess to expose the truth- to discern the good from the bad and the worldly. Some friends of ours our not sharp. Some may look sharp like aluminum foil but they can't be trusted if they're not rooted in the foundations of the Word of God. The same goes for our play dough like friends- they may be fun to play with but when you need to be sharpened, the only thing they're good for is wrapping around and conforming to any and every feel good idea. What makes a good sharpened friend (including yourself)? Stay rooted in the Word of God. The Bible is a Sword that is the chief sharpener for cutting, slicing and dicing any and every material you come across. When you're in the heat of battle in the midst of a storm facing enemies left and right, you can't afford to be blunted and blinded from the truth. And you certainly don't need to rely on swords made of tin foil or play dough. MATERIALS:
"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." -Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)MATERIALS:
"The wise in heart are discerning." -Proverbs 16:21MATERIALS:
"Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger." -Proverbs 19:15 (ESV)Some days, it’s really hard not to feel like laying around doing absolutely nothing. Especially if you feel depressed and nothing is going right. I’m there. Oh I’m there.
But I never want to get to the point where I have no ambition. Where I don’t want to work, or see people, or even take a shower. If I have something to look forward to I’ve always got something to do. If you stay busy enough, you won’t have time to get stuck in a slump. . God wants us to do the same thing in our spiritual life or we’ll lose our zeal and become lazy. We have to stay active so we can stay sharp and focused and ready. What can a sloth do if it’s attacked? Not much. I laid the vellum over top of the page to see where I needed to cut a hole for the verse to fit through with a Xacto knife before I stuck it down with spray adhesive. Vellum isn't friendly with all adhesives but the spray adhesive worked perfect! Make sure you clean your nozzle after each use! MATERIALS:
September 2021
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